Project lead
- Dr. Christian Reul 📧
User support
- Florian Langhanki 📧
- Dr. Herbert Baier Saip (OCR4all back end) 📧
- Maximilian Nöth (OCR4all front end, LAREX and distribution) 📧
- Kevin Chadbourne (LAREX)
- Andreas Büttner (Calamari)
- Prof. Dr. Frank Puppe (Funding, Ideas and Feedback)
- Dr. Uwe Springmann (Ideas and Feedback)
- Kristof Korwisi (Usability)
- Raphaëlle Jung (Guides and Illustrations)
Former project staff
- Nico Balbach (OCR4all and LAREX)
- Dennis Christ (OCR4all)
- Annika Müller (User support)
- Björn Eyselein (Artifactory and distribution via Docker)
- Christine Grundig (Ideas and Feedback)
- Alexander Hartelt (OCR4all)
- Yannik Herbst (OCR4all and distribution via VirtualBox)
- Isabel Müller (Website)
- Maximilian Wehner (User Support)
- Dr. Christoph Wick (Calamari)